Friday 25 January 2013

Google Palestina

Google Palestina Biography
Ilan Pappe's book is the story of Palestine, a land inhabited by two peoples, and two national identities. It begins with the Ottomans in the early 1800s, the reign of Muhammad Ali, and traces a path through the arrival of the early Zionists at the end of that century, through the British mandate at the beginning of the twentieth century, the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent wars and conflicts which culminated in the intifadas of 1987 and 2000. While these events provide the background to the narrative and explain the construction of Zionist and Palestinian nationalism, at center stage are those who lived through these times, men and women, children, peasants, workers, town-dwellers, Jews and Arabs. It is a story of coexistence and cooperation, as well as oppression, occupation, and exile. Ilan Pappe is well known as a revisionist historian of Palestine and a political commentator on the Israel-Palestine conflict. His book is a unique contribution to the history of this troubled land which all those concerned with developments is the Middle East will be compelled to read. Ilan Pappe teaches politics at Haifa University in Israel. He has written extensively on the politics of the Middle East, and is well known for his revisionist interpretation of Israel's past and as a critic of Israel's policies towards the Palestinians. His books include The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947-1951 (Taurlls, 1992) and The Israeli-Palestine Question (Routledge, 1999)A good introduction to Palestine but leaves much wanting. Most of all are primary source quotations, which would increase the credibility of his assertions. On a related note, the book covers too much material in too limited a manner, especially about the pre-mandate era.This was the first comprehensive history of Palestine from the Muslim conquest in 634 to that of the Crusaders in 1099. It is a 1992 translation and revised version of volume I of Palestine During the First Muslim Period which was published in Hebrew in 1983 and presents an authoritative survey of the early mediaeval Islamic and Jewish worlds. Based on an impressive array of sources including documents from the Cairo Geniza collection, the author examines the lives of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities of Palestine against a background of the political and military events of the period. Specific attention is paid to the history of Palestinian Jews under Muslim rule. An essential resource for students and specialists of mediaeval Islamic and Jewish history, religious studies and for anyone interested in the history of the Holy Land.
Google Palestina
Google Palestina
Google Palestina
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Google Palestina
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Google Palestina
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Google Palestina
Google Palestina

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